hail from Manchester England and completed much of my schooling in Lancashire
schools, before moving to live in sunny Queensland. I have worked as a
Primary (elementary) teacher and a librarian for about 30 years.
At present, I work as a Teacher Librarian and Information Technology educator in my local primary school. My hobbies include handcrafts, reading, jigsaws, cryptic puzzles, computing and now Genealogy. I enjoyed the challenge of constructing this home page, learning all the html codes and solving the linking puzzles - rather like a monstrous jigsaw, as is Genealogy and tracking family history. I have been recording family history for about fouryears, and am now researching 24 family branches for my family, and 23 branches for Rob's family. My family research is all based in the United Kingdom, but Rob's family originated from Germany (1850s), Ireland (1830s) and the United Kingdom (1770s). I have just been on a nostalgia trip to England, Germany and Austria with Rene, my mum, and Tracey, my daughter. |
am a dinky-di Aussie, descended from a swag of transportees and early settlers,
most of whom became farmers in their adopted land.
I am retired now, but worked as a signalman with the state railways, so I used to play trains every day. In my 37 years with the Rail department I saw many operating changes, with technology taking over many areas of work and safety. After 37 years of shift work, I am enjoying my full nights of sleep. My hobby is breeding , raising and racing thoroughbred horses. At present I have two yearlings and four brood mares in foal to work with. I enjoy reading about the breeding and gene crosses, and one day hope to breed a champion horse, both in conformation and ability. I feed a collection of wild birds each day, and at present enjoy a flock of pink galahs, multi-coloured rainbow lorikeets, a pair of King parrots, magpies, topknot pigeons and willy wagtails. Billy the baby magpie is our latest pet. He calls in for breakfast,morning tea and supper each day. He even follows me into the house and waits by the fridge for his meat. |
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Tracey and Glenn |
Tracey, our only child, is an avid horse person and dog person. She has been riding horses since she was young and competing in ag shows, gymkhanas, dressage and eventing since she was eight years old. Now she rides only for pleaasure on her old faithful ex-racehorse Tres. |
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She and husband Glenn have acquired three Shetland Sheepdogs (Shelties). The oldest is Katie at ten years, then Billy who is seven and Missy just two years.Tracey is training Billy and Missy to do agility trials. Both have achieved Champion status. |
Billy loves most aspects of the trialling...except he will not fetch the dumbell. Missy is an incredibly intelligent dog, and her sense of smell must equal that of a bloodhound. She can locate her playtoy even when it is locked in the boot of the car. Katie is the cuddly dog - silky smooth hair, gentle eyes and a way of easing onto your lap even before you realise she's there. |
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Tracey is a university lecturer in the field of Marketing, while Glenn is a research scientist in the cardiac field, which takes him to many diverse places. He has completed research in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and in Charlottesville, USA. At present he is also lecturing at University in the science field. |
Glenn's recreational activities include fishing and hunting. He has even taught Tracey how to catch a fish. His new boat is his pride and joy, and even the dogs enjoy a fishing trip in "Harry's Buoy", though greedy Katie eats all the bait. |
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May 5, 2001 by Sandie Hill. |
to this page since Feb 8 1998. |